The other day I did a reach out on Instagram in relation to what you guys may want to read about in relation to ITP. One of our ITP warriors had brought up wanting to know any natural ways that can increase ones platelet count – this is such a great topic to discuss because technically we should be doing everything within our power to help our bodies with our condition.
When I was first diagnosed I asked my doctor a similar question “is there anything natural I can take to help with my condition” basically it’s hard for doctors to give recommendations on natural products due to their employment contracts (regulations by health insurance that can prohibit a doctor suggesting natural treatments). However to add to this, my doctor looked into all my health and the odd thing is that I am actually really healthy, I eat well, I exercise and nothing in my body is signalling that I have any underlying conditions. All signs point towards a very healthy individual (obviously except for ITP – which is healthy parts of my body attacking other healthy parts of my body #weird). Therefor it seems that I am doing everything right – which is extremely frustrating!
Although I suppose this has left me a little closed minded and I haven’t taken the time to test/trail other alternatives. I did however trail Aloe Juice as I read an article which showcased its effects on increasing ones platelet counts however my test results appeared to be inconclusive. I also went cold turkey on alcohol – same deal nothing in my test results showcased any difference and I did not see any increase in my platelet count.
So now I suppose it’s time I open my mind and do some research – there are so many “claims” out there that can make it very difficult to see what is in fact helpful and what is rubbish and nothing frustrates me more than when something claims to be helpful however has no facts or statistics. To add to this unfortunately there is very little scientific researched used on natural treatments specific to ITP patients which doesn’t give me much to go off in regards to offering useful information.
But here we go below is a list of natural products that show potential in increasing ones platelet count:
Papaya – In some counties (Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and other parts of Asia) Papaya leaf extract of Carcica papaya has been effectively used for thrombocytopenia. However this study is only in relation to increasing platelet counts in patients whom have dengue fever. There is yet to be tests done on ITP patients and Papaya however so far it sounds like Papaya could have some potential. However please note there are side effects to taking Papaya here are below side affects you may want to be aware of;
Induces abortion
Causes birth defects
Could damage your food pipe
Not good for children with cystic fibrosis
Can be toxic
Lowers fertility
I think considering this product can be purchased at your local supermarket the key takeaway with the side effects would be all in moderation. However please note studies were only done using papaya leaf extract of carcica papaya.
Wheatgrass – According to a study completed by the International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences in 2011 (please note this is a study done on rats). They found wheatgrass significantly increased platelet counts and reduced clotting/bleeding time in thrombocytopenic rats. However studies in relation to humans taking wheatgrass and potential benefits are still yet to be determined.
Vitamin B12 – A deficiency in B12 can be one cause of low platelet production. Therefor it’s worth increasing your intake of this important vitamin. I currently take a Vitamin B supplement which has shown great results in my blood work (my B12 is through the roof) however although the B vitamin helps me with other things like my fatigue it hasn’t so far showcased an increase in my platelet count.
Vitamin C – In 2007 a study was done by Atshushi Hirano and Hiroshi Ueoka of Okayama University Medical School in Okayama, Japan. What they found was the used of Chinese herbal medicine EK-49 and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) was a successful treatment for an elderly patient of theirs suffering from ITP. I am interested to learn more about this study, what was the intake? What is EK-49? What are the side effects if any? So far I am struggling to find more useful information on this case but once I have it I’ll keep you updated.
Bovine colostrum – Apparently this is a new common dietary supplement. It’s the first substance a baby cow receives from its mother. A recent 2017 study done suggests that elements of this “colostrum” contain proteins involved in platelet activation. Whilst there still seems to be a lack of research in regards to the benefits of colostrum, an informal study was completed by PDSA which suggests that some people after taking it reported beneficial effects on their platelet count.
Melatonin – A very small study was done on refractory ITP patients found melatonin as being able to increase platelets. Your body basically naturally produces Melatonin however you can find it in other forms. Generally it’s used to increase ones sleep but has also been found to increase ones platelet levels. However it seems more studies need to be done as some practitioners are concerned that a side effect of taking melatonin is that it may prevent the body from producing this naturally.
Well there you have it – I’ve tried to keep this real and use statistics and facts rather than hopes and whims. Spending the time on this has really opened my mind and given me a little bit of hope. I am keen to do some more research and give some of these bad boys a try! Test patient here I come!
Please note before taking anything always consult your doctor first
If you have found any of the above have worked for your platelet count please comment below! I'd love to hear from you!