Spending any time at the hospital when you are a patient can be a daunting time. Whether you have been scheduled for a quick hospital visit, or you have been submitted for a longer period of time – preparation for these visits (whether they are planned or not) are the key to remaining calm, cool and collected.
Before ITP, I only ever visited the hospital as a patient a few times. Now since my diagnosis, I have lost count of how many times I have been to the hospital. And even though I pretty much know my way around, still doesn’t mean I am not just as anxious for the next visit!
Therefore, for those who are newly diagnosed or hate hospital visits here are some tips that might just get you through the experience;
Time Your Attendance
This tip only accounts for those who have a planned visitation. Trust me, it is better to be early than run late otherwise you will find yourself building up frustration with each minor setback in time.
Remember you, cannot control the traffic, if there will be any available parking, if the pathology line is huge or if your hematologist is backlogged. These things happen and whilst you have an appointment to meet, so does everyone else. Which means you cannot expect to push in or be made a priority because everyone in the hospital is a priority. So, be early instead of running late!
NOTE: Generally, before the Hematologist will see you, you have to have your blood test done (this is done in pathology).
Try not to park in the hospital car park unless you want to pay an outrageous amount for parking. Alternatively research your hospital and know where there is suitable parking at an affordable price.
Bring Some Entertainment
Mobile, iPad, book, colouring in, laptop – etc. The quantity of your entertainment all goes down to your time of stay. Nevertheless, on the safe side download some movies onto your iPad in preparation for hopefully the time that never comes where you may be hospitalized for more than expected.
For those of you have kids with ITP – I would discourage you from bringing lego or anything with small pieces. However, I would suggest bringing more than a colouring in book as you cannot make hours of entertainment from colouring in.
Bring Snacks! Personally, the only time I do not eat at least every 3 or 4 hours is when I am sleeping. Therefore, eyes wide open in a hospital for more than 3 hours means I gotta eat. Always be prepared!
Manners & A Smile Go A Long Way
If you have a smile on your face and are polite I can assure you, you are going to be well looked after. Keep in mind, nurses, admin staff and doctors have many patients to attend to (you are not the only one) which means they can be super busy – so do not take their fast pace almost auto pilot approach too personally + once they get to know you and you always smile and be polite they will make extra time for you.
Travelling Solo
You may not be able to expect others to always be with you for each hospital visit. So save the extra special visits for friends and family and for the regular checkups try going solo. I totally get it, it’s intimidating especially when you don’t know where your platelets may be at however, you are in good care and if worst case scenario your platelet count is extremely low and you are submitted then call that special someone/’s.
Bring Sanitizer
The reason people are at the hospital is because they are sick. So Although the hospital is generally pretty sterile it doesn't hurt to bring some extra precaution in your handbag.
Keep Your Fluids Up
I learnt the hard way in which dehydration can make a blood test extremely painful (please note blood test are not painful, as long as you are hydrated and they can find a vein easily). So always, bring a bottle of water with you and keep sipping away before your blood test.
Be Comfy
Trust me it is not a fashion show at the hospital! Messy Bun, No Make Up, Casual Clothes, anything goes. Peeps in the hospital are generally too sick to care what they look like or know from experience that they are going to be there for a while and comfort is key. So, be comfortable! Moreover, if you are staying for a while it is nice to bring your own pillow, pj’s, blanket ect.