This is every ITP patient’s worst nightmare – what happens when your platelets get too low or run out?
If you have ITP you know that when your platelet count gets below the 10,000 mark you are in serious trouble – having a serious low platelet count like this can lead to spontaneous internal bleeding. You could bleed for no apparent reason meaning your stomach, your intestines, your urine, your head could even start bleeding and you wouldn’t even know the bleeding had begun. In serious cases the bleeding can be so severe that people have died from it.
What are the warning signs of internal bleeding?
Blurred Vision
Blood in urine
Blood in stool
Blood in vomit
Abdominal Pain
Large area of purple skin
All this is a very scary thought and is the fear that most ITP patients have to live with every day.
The good news here is that death from ITP is extremely rare and that majority of cases are managed successfully with conventional treatments. However it’s still essential to understand the seriousness of the situation so you don’t palm it off as “she’ll be right” or assume that this cannot happen to someone suffering from ITP.
If you are suffering from ITP it’s also important to maintain a good relationship with your doctor, always attend your follow up visits, know your warning signs and know which hospital close enough is equipped to handle your condition.
So what are the warning signs for low platelets?
Easy Bruising
Red or purple dots on the skin
Prolonged bleeding from cuts
Bleeding from gums or nose
Blood in urine or stool
Unusually heavy menstrual flow
You have to remember there is no cure for this condition only re-active form of treatments when your platelets get too low. So the only pro-active thing you can do at this stage is to know your warning signs and listen to your body.
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