I was diagnosed in 2008 after having chest pains my platelets were 21, the reason for the chest pain was never discovered. I sort of never really took it seriously my diagnosis; I’ve always suffered with fatigue and bruised easy but nothing that ever had my parents worried. I just liked to sleep! I have been told that I was more than likely born with ITP however it was just never picked up on as I have been blessed with good health.
I see my haematologist twice a year but monitored by my GP. My platelets range from 28 -35.
Fast forward to this year and my fiancé and I have been trying for a baby for 2 years we finally went to a fertility specialist and he wants to perform a laparoscopy. He is a private specialist so he would like my platelets to be 100! I saw my haematologist 3 weeks ago and we trailed dexamethasone 40mg for 4 days my platelets were 35 a week later they were only 57. I was pretty upset as I thought it would work! So she decided for me to have my first IVIG Privigen I broke out in hives when I got home and had a constant headache for 3 days after. I saw my haematologist yesterday and again I haven’t responded like she hoped my platelets were only 42.
So I’m now on prednisone for two weeks with weekly check-ups and fingers and toes crossed. I’ve also started taking papaya leaf extract and cutting out dairy and sugar as I feel like I need to really take my ITP seriously - I want a child so bad, I’m 38 and feel like I’m running out of time.
I struggle with getting people to understand especially my fiancé and family. I rarely complain and I don’t look sick even though I’m constantly tired. I just sort of get on with it but the last few weeks have taken its toll emotionally I’m sure the steroids have contributed to this as well.
I would love to connect with others especially anyone else who is needing surgery so thank you for starting this blog x
#autoimmune #treatingimmunethrombocytopenicpurpura #immunethrombocytopenicpurpura #fightingitp #itpresults #immunethrombocytopenic #Idiopathicthrombocytopenicpurpura #lowplatelet #lowplatelets #itppatient #strongerwithitp #itpaware #itpawareness #story #treatingitp #livingwithitp #mindfullness #awareness