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Kylie Leeson

ITP Awareness Month

ITP awareness

Not long now until it is ITP awareness month. Manly focused in the United States however is spreading around the globe. ITP awareness month is a time where many ITP patients come together to raise their collective voice and spread the awareness of this rare bleeding disorder. 

Still to this day there is no cure for ITP hence more awareness is needed. I believe majority of ITP patients would agree that we need to find better ways to treat this condition and we need to find a cure.

So let's break down this month and what you can do to offer your support;

  • September is ITP awareness month, September 24-28th is the global ITP awareness week and September 28th is ITP awareness day. 

  • On ITP awareness day wear purple. This goes with ITP's awareness theme "wear purple for platelets". 

  • Make a donation to the PDSA to help us find a cure 

  • Take a selfie (example: could be one of your hospital visits or you could hold up a sign with the #itpawareness)

  • Share your photo on all your social media accounts (facebook, twitter, snap chat, Instagram etc.) with #purple4platelets #itpawareness #itpaware #global4ITP with a brief rundown of your condition and personal story. 

  • If you do not have ITP and would like to contribute make a blood donation. This is the best gift you can offer. 

If you are from the United States and want to contribute more don't forget to check out the PDSA's ways to contribute. 

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