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COVID-19 and low platelets

Writer's picture: kylie Leesonkylie Leeson

Here we go……. the British Journal of Hematology has released a study that indicates Thrombocytopenia might be a further risk factor for COVID-19 progressing to a more severe state (e.g. those with a low platelet count show 5 times more risk of severe COVID-19).

Literally, my eyes have popped out of my head, my heart has started racing and my catastrophic thinking has come into play. The What If’s are taking over my mind and I’m sitting here thinking what next.

Just when I was becoming complacent to this whole COVID-19 situation and with fewer blood tests for my ITP I was really living the life of out of sight, out of mind. I was in a happy bubble and one read of this study has popped my bubble and covered me with goop of anxiety.

Ignorance truly is bliss….In which case I sat here thinking, to post this blog or not to post this blog. I do not want to be the cause of panic to fellow ITP patients, but then again in order to protect oneself one needs knowledge.

Breathe, Kylie just Breathe…

For those new to ITP, an overactive immune system does not prevent you from catching viruses, Shock Horror…… At one stage, my optimistic thinking led me to believe I had some sort of superpower (a powerful immune system) only to realize it wasn’t my superpower just kryptonite.

The good news is, you cannot catch COVID-19 by having ITP therefore, you are in the same boat as everyone else. The only way to catch COVID-19 is to be in contact with a confirmed case. In which case practicing social distancing, cleaning your hands regularly, and limiting the amount of time you touch your face is so important.

COVID-19 can cause severe ITP, which makes sense because ITP can be caused by a virus. In which case, I wonder what happens if you already have ITP and catch COVID-19.

When your levels are already low there isn't much further for them to drop and hence why panic sets in.

The good news…… is there good news?

Well although I’m a catastrophic thinker, when I calm myself down I do start to become an optimist. So, the good news is. This study, allows doctors to understand the risks and work on solutions for treatment. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge doctors have about illnesses and how to treat them, the better off every patient is.

Nonetheless, if you do suffer from ITP now if a very important time to enhance your knowledge on treatment methods for ITP. Just so you can make a wise decision on how you wish to treat your condition. Obviously, your doctor will make recommendations and you should always listen to those recommendations but ultimately unless your Doctor pulls rank your treatment choice is your decision.

Furthermore, this is a reminder not to become complacent, practice social distancing, and hygiene!


©2018 by stronger with ITP. 

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