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Writer's picturekylie Leeson

The Holy Grail

Yep…. I am bringing it up again. That time of the month!

Over time, as I age and deal with my condition I find myself struggling once a week every 4 weeks.

Understandably, many women each have their own experiences where that time of the month is unpleasant. Each of us has to somehow “deal with it” and push forward. Am I right?

To make matters even more unpleasant the materials we are provided to help us keep this week tidy or cleaner do not always feel tidy or clean. Especially, if you struggle with heavy bleeding. The materials although they state they are for “heavy bleeding” do not offer the protection we hope for.

There is nothing worse than heading out thinking you are protected only to feel something not right happening below. You rush to the bathroom, you look down and there is a real big mess. Toilet paper can only do so much, those nice pair of undies have to be tossed and you now have to go bare and get home immediately to save yourself from any further shame.

It is humiliating and to add to the humiliation sometimes maternity pads are the only solution. For anyone who has had a child, they will understand that maternity pads are not just uncomfortable but they make you feel like you are wearing an adult diaper. How degrading!

Nonetheless, I have found something that has helped me toss out those tampons, “heavy bleeding” pads and maternity pads. To add they are great for the environment and you no longer need that mini bin next to the toilet to toss out the mess.

At first, I was a bit reluctant and was not sure how I felt about wearing these. Furthermore, I was fearful that they would not offer protection from my heavy flow. So, it was a very pleasant surprise to test these out and to find that they worked.

The product I am talking about is modibodi and they offer period underwear. Basically, modibodi have advanced technology that makes their underwear leak-proof but also reusable. I personally use the overnight heavy absorbency which converts to 20ml = 3-4 tampons or 4 teaspoons. They have nice designs and do what they say they are going to do.

There is a little bit of work after wearing them, which includes rinsing them out before washing them. But, overall I can honestly say I feel better protected and not embarrassed to wear them. They not only give me the confidence to feel protected but the confidence to get out and about during that time of the month.

Trust me, ladies, you will thank me!

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