Hi-ho-hi-ho it’s back to the hospital I go.
Generally over the long weekend I spend the holiday time with my best friends celebrating mine and my husband birthdays however with my husband catching a chest infection last week and me having an episode (which may have been due to catching a small virus which dropped my levels to 12,000) I had to cancel a pretty fun weekend and be a couch potato - Thank goodness for Netflix and my blog otherwise I would have gone out of my mind.
I must admit I was pretty bummed out when I found out my levels had dropped and especially disappointed when my doctor suggested I go back onto Prednisone immediately. However my fingers are crossed that the Prednisone works even if only just to get me back to a level where I can somewhat feel in control of my situation.
Tomorrow is the big day where I find out my fate – back to the hospital for another blood test. My hopes are high but fear is still in the back of my mind. You see when your levels drop below 12,000 you are at high risk of bleeding and the bleeding doesn’t necessarily have to come from trauma. So basically you could just bleed for no apparent reason and because your blood doesn’t clot you are in danger. But in stating all this I have seen so many ITP patients with much lower counts then mine and they still kick on which settles my mind and keeps me positive.
The weird part about all this is I honestly feel super healthy – I have no apparent bruising, no rashes and I don’t feel tired (I didn’t even feel tired leading up to all this). I suppose all I can do right now is stay in positive spirits and patiently wait for my results tomorrow.
If you have ITP and your levels have dropped below 12,000 please comment below what was your choice of treatment and the results – I’d love to hear from you!