Yesterday I had a minor panic attack as I realised I was out of my prescription drug Prednisone and if you have done your research on this drug you will be aware that you can’t just stop taking it as it can throw your body into a bit of a meltdown.
Therefor I made it my priority to go to the Pharmacy and get my medication. However whilst I was there I noticed I didn’t have much money left in my bank account (clearly I am living beyond my means) which set me into another panic attack “what if I can’t afford my Prednisone?” Like I was literally thinking “holy shit balls I don’t get paid until next week – what if my body has serious side effects from not taking my Prednisone”. Luckily I just had enough in my account to pay for what I needed to get me through till next pay day however it made think “how much is my sickness costing me?”
I work for a company that educates people on the regular about health being an investment and often I find that although the education is on point people are just not registering the information (and I was one of these people). It’s like we think because we look and feel healthy it means we are healthy and have nothing to worry about. Ignorance truly is bliss!
So with all this running through my mind I decided to back track how much this “sickness” has cost me (figures begin late 2016 – June 2018) are you ready?
However the costs don’t just stop there! Yes this includes my doctor visits and my test results but what about medication, travel, time off work? How much is this all costing me.
I always work off a budget and unfortunately after being diagnosed meant that I could no longer be ignorant about my health expenses. This money may not seem like much to some of you however to me its money spent that could go elsewhere (like a mini holiday for my little family). But I suppose it is what it is and the only other alternative is no treatment which could potentially be life threatening.
So you see your health really is an investment and if you don’t invest in it now it can become an expense in the long run. For example if I have to keep taking Prednisone (a drug that is known to weaken bones) and I don’t take Calcium to supplement then in the long run I could potentially face even further issue with my health and therefore further expense.
If you are suffering from ITP please take a moment to comment below your estimated expenses so far managing your condition.
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