Warning: if you are sick stay away from me or anyone suffering from ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura)!
I know, I know you would think considering my condition is basically an over active immune system that my one superpower would be the ability to not get sick. However as I have learnt in recent events another stupid thing about ITP is that my immune system is too busy fighting itself that it goes into a meltdown when a virus is added - its like its already on the battle front (fighting my platelets) and then it sees another threat (a virus) and lets off an atomic bomb which causes even more casualties in my platelets.
A simple virus such as a simple cold could set off world war 3 in my body.
Hence why I'm now overly cautious when i see sick people and have a bit of a phobia against them.
I gotta say we live in a world where we push oursleves and lack self care. We are constantly on the go and sometimes that means even though we feel sick that we have to keep soldiering on. But sometimes this leaves us unaware of the potential harm we may be inflicting on others in order to keep pushing through.
So next time you have a cold, or a fever, or a cough for that matter - please do your best to keep that shit to yourself (excuse my french). Wash your hands, cover your mouth and for the love of god stay at home and have a sick day.
Trust me I understand, I'm one that constantly puts work in front of my health however now knowing what I know and thinking about my own self care - I just want you to think before you spread. What might be a simple cold to you could be potentially fatal to someone like me and what may only take you a couple of days to get over could take someone like me months to recover.
If you have ITP and have caught a virus please comment below how long it took you to recover.
#itppatient #autoimmune #itpstudies #immunethrombocytopenicpurpura #fightingitp #mindfullness #lowplatelet #strongerwithitp #itpaware #itpawareness #immunedisorder #sick #germs #takingleave #commoncold #lowplatelets #livingwithitp #awareness #chronicitp #idopathicthrombocytopenicpurpura #bleedingdisorder