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Kylie Leeson

Skincare Routine

skincare routine for dry skin

Seeming as I’ve been on prednisone for approx.. 8 weeks now and I’ve passed the looking like a junkie phase (yes prenisone makes you have massive breakouts, you feel and look exhausted, dries out your skin, thins your hair and in turn you look a little like a junkie). I’m now in the repair phase (trying to lose the weight I’ve gained and repair my skin).

Therefor today I thought it would be nice to discuss a good skincare routine to help combat the effects of medication.

Dry skin and pimples is one area I really struggled with when taking prednisone. I had these terrible pimples that I couldn’t cover up properly because my skin was so flaky and dry. Although I use skincare products they didn’t seem to work because my skin dynamics had changed.  You see depending on what type of skin you have whether it be oily or dry you need to ensure you have the correct skincare products to combat your skin type.  Putting the wrong skincare product on your skin can do more damage than good. For example if you put  a skincare product that is used to combat oily skin on dry skin it will only further cause the skin to dry out.

So what is the best routine for dry damaged skin?

Cleanser – When it comes to dry skin cleansing once a day should be more than enough to get rid of any dirt on your face. When searching for a cleanser make sure it’s a natural product that isn’t going to strip the natural moisture from your skin. Basically what you are after is something that is fragrance free and soap free.

You also need to ensure that when you are cleansing your face that you use luke warm water not hot or cold water to wash your face with. Using luke warm water is one way to prevent cracks and further prevent the skin from drying out.

Toner – this is generally used when someone is trying to repair the balance of their skin (eg. Have acne or excessive oiliness). Due to the skin being dry I would recommend skipping this step.

Moisture – When you are suffering from dry skin moisture can do a whole lot of good. Skin that is well moisturised looks younger, has more elasticity, is softer and also offers protection therefor is healthier. I recommend moisturising day and night with a moisturiser that is fragrance free.   

Top tip: If you are struggle to apply makeup due to your skin being excessively dry try a tinted moisturiser.

Exfoliate – dry skin obviously responds well to exfoliation however as the skin already has visible and invisible cracks you want to ensure that you use a gentle facial and body scrub. This should be done once a week to remove any dead skin cells.

Drink – More importantly then doing all the above is ensuring that you are drinking enough water this not only is good for your skin but good for your overall health.

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