There are many no no’s when it comes to ITP and many lifestyle adjustments you have to make in regards to your platelet levels. Which brings me to today’s topic Alcohol and ITP.
One of the main concerns with alcohol and ITP is alcohol’s platelet lowering capabilities (alcohol can thin your blood because it can prevent blood cells from sticking together and forming clots). Clearly not a healthy mix for someone whom is already struggling with their blood clotting capabilities however everyone whom is diagnosed with ITP has a different experience and not all those suffering with ITP can fit into the same category.
Me, myself went on a massive alcohol free strike for numerous months (although I do not drink that often I still liked a wine or two every week or so). This alcohol ban was tuff especially considering we had a few parties going on around that time of the year along with new year’s eve celebrations. However my health was more important to me than a few bevies. So I persisted. I felt awkward at parties and a little left out as I was sober Steve however I remained disciplined even when under pressure.
So what was the outcome of my alcohol ban in regards to my platelet levels? Well I was disappointed to say that my alcohol ban showed no effect on my platelets levels. I was shocked and a little annoyed. It was hard work not to have a drink especially with friends surrounding you like “just one won’t hurt”, “surely you can have a drink or two” etc. and I’m Australian which means I don’t mind a little alcohol here and there. I really was hopeful that this alcohol ban would have had a better result and that my levels would have increased however if I look on the bright side it’s ok for me to have a wine or two. Cheers to that!
Now whilst alcohol and ITP is not the healthiest mix I am not convinced that it should be banned from an ITP Patients lifestyle. Comment below if you agree.