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Kylie Leeson

Prednisone vs. Body Image

body image

The last few weeks I have been posting on Instagram images of myself that showcase my journey and the affects of prednisone. Through these posts I have tried to not only address what prednisone has done to my body but also the importance of body image. If you have been on prednisone then you would know that one of the effects of this little pill is weight gain. Many people may not realize what this weight gain can to do to ones self esteem.

The world has developed and with it comes easy access to the population through social media therefore we are surrounded by many unrealistic communications on how we should look. These unrealistic messages are a real struggle for most women and can cause a lot of self doubt. I know from personal experience that spending too much time on social media can take me down a terrible dark path full of self loathing.

I understand some women may look at me and say they wished they could have my body. But they have yet to see this naked (joking not joking) but honestly that's the thing about body image I look at other women and say the exact same thing I wished I could have their bodies.

To explain this in further detail. Body image is ones perception of themselves. A healthy body image is when you feel confident with your body. Unhealthy body image is the complete opposite where you think about your body in a negative way.

I cannot express enough how much the weight gain I experienced with taking this steroid did to my own body image. One minute I felt confident in the way I looked and was relaxed with wearing a swim suit then next minute I felt severely depressed with myself. Mentally this is not a good state of mind.

before vs after image

You see not only do patients have to deal with depression in regards to their condition but they also are dealing with self esteem issues from treatment methods.

Granted it's not an easy journey and the fact that we even have to take prednisone generally means we already feel bullied by our bodies before the weight gain commences. But for anyone experiencing this journey let me advise you that you need to hang in there and love yourself even with the moon face and extra kilo's. The relationship you have with your body will never be a perfect one however this is not a time for harsh self criticism. Your body is already going through enough without having to deal with the emotional suffering you may want to inflict on yourself.

This is a time to appreciate your body and all that it is going through. Remember your body is your team mate and in order to regain balance you need to work together.

If I have learned anything this year it's that I need to cut myself a break, stop putting myself down and to love myself more because honestly I am worth it and my health will thank me for it.

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