One of the biggest obstacles when trying to live a normal life with ITP is dealing with the fatigue. At times, it will hit you like a ton of brinks and no matter how much sleep you get, you still feel sleep deprived.
I am sure those ITP patients who struggle with the fatigue would agree that the constant feeling of lack of sleep is about as close to torture as you can get. In addition, I am sure you will relate to at least one of the below.
1: You will want to punch your husband in the face when he asks what you have done all day
2: Your love for a coffee has manifested into medicine, therefore meaning you will drink coffee morning, noon and night just to try to stay awake
3: All the time you feel like your eyes are falling out of your head because you are deliriously tired
4: You contemplate having nannie naps at work and wonder if anyone would notice – then you realize you snore when you sleep
5: Every morning when you wake up you wonder how the hell you are going to get through the day – But somehow you manage it
6: After days and days of fatigue all you want to do is cry and cry some more. Moreover, you feel like this fatigue is never going to end!
7: You do not bother with your appearance because well you cannot be bothered
8: You get super angry when your husband invites people over because you are too tired to entertain. Why can’t he read your mind, realize all you want to do is Netflix, and chill
9: You could smother your husband with a pillow when he tries to wake you for some nookie time
10: People will give you advice with the best of intentions, but in your fatigued state, you will sometimes just want to shake them and scream at them “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, YOU DON’T HAVE ITP”.
All I can say is please don't judge me for what I say and how I am dressed when I am fatigued. And speaking from experience if you are struggling with the fatigue from ITP, my suggestion is to give in to the fatigue and give the body what it demands – SLEEP. Trust me the fatigue will pass, it will also come back again however it will pass.
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