A month or so ago my son came home from school with a recipe for protein balls. He said his teacher brought some into school and he absolutely loved them so he asked her for the recipe so we could make them at home.
Always insta scrolling I knew of protein balls however never really took interest in them. That was until we created some at home and I tasted one. Yum!
I now make these often and I eat them all the time. I use to eat them like candy however have since learned that you should only be having one or two between meals. I have never been good with portion sizing but have had to learn restraint with these yummy balls.
When I went for my last appointment and had been advised, my levels had increased. I was trying to rattle off new things I have incorporated into my diet and lifestyle to try to see of anything was the cause of my platelets rising. When I was rattling things off my mum made a joke and said, “It must have been all those protein balls you have been eating”. I thought to myself “could this be it?” then my rational brain came back to me and said, “Don’t be a fool”. However in light of all this I thought I would share with everyone the recipe anyway. They are so easy to make and taste so good (disclaimer: these protein balls do not increase ones platelet count).
Medjool Dates
Almond Meal
Shredded Coconut
Coconut Oil
Cacao Powder
Chai Seeds
How to make healthy cocoa coconut and date balls;
12 medjool dates – cover these with water and let them sit for an hour
Drain and deseed
Put the jool dates in a blender (do not turn on)
Add to blender
1 cup almond meal
½ cup shredded coconut
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup cocoa powder
Chai seeds
Blend the ingredients until mixed
Let this sit for 20 minutes
Roll the mixture together into small balls
Drop these balls into a bowl of shredded coconut – cover balls in shredded coconut
Put balls in fridge