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Kylie Leeson

Do not let these 4 things control your life

Life is too short for regrets and whilst there is no single secret to a happy life, there are a few things that may be holding you back. Here are the four things you do not want to let take control.

1. Fear

Fear can be paralyzing and can prevent you from pursuing fun things like sport, There are so many NO’s when it comes to ITP and fear can weasel its way into those NO’s. But instead of allowing worst-case scenario get in the way of having fun, think about it in terms of regret. Yes, precautions should always be taken and Doctor’s orders should be followed however constantly living life in fear or allowing fear to make decisions for you will leave you with a life full of regret.

2. Forget what others think

Do not allow others to dictate how you feel. If you feel run down, feel sick, depressed about your illness share it. Do not listen to those who say, “Well you don’t look sick” and shy away from telling others how you really are feeling. The ones who care will listen and the ones who do not care do not deserve your time. It is not an easy task shutting others out but it can be a liberating one.

3. Negative Emotions

Negative emotions have the power to consume you and take over leaving you in a terrible state or depression. Toxic feelings will dominate and this overall will not be good for your health. I understand this condition is confusing, not fare and deflating. However, you need to learn how to manage your emotions and not let it take hold of you.

4. Self-care

It is your life! Not the Doctor’s, not your friends and family, not your work colleagues – it is your and yours alone. You are the only one who gets to live with the choices you make. So when it comes to treatment or how you want to deal with your condition, do not let others influence you.

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